Below is a list of books that I have read. I have included details about the book and a link that you can purchase the book for yourself. Please reach out should you have any questions!
This Book By Priscilla Shirer is a 90 day Devotional book. It pairs well with her book Fervent. It provides thought provoking challenges to your every day life.
This book by Priscilla Shirer focus on teaching the power of Fervent Prayer. Prayer changes things.
This book lists out common lies that we as women believe. The authors dispess and unwrap these lies and give you practicle ways to rid yourself of these lies.
This book is one that EVERY believer should pick up from time to time—written from a Pastor who admittingly points out that we can not be spiritually mature and emotionally immature. We must work to be mature in both areas as they impact each other. <-- Great Read I read often.
If you are feeling RESTLESS because you know God wants to do something with you, but you don't know where to start or what you could do??? YOU NEED this book! This book goes step by step and helps you to Identify your talents and abilities.
This book was life-changing for me. Growing up in the church, being on staff at such a young, dare I say immature age, I carried a lot of hurts or Opinions or Things I thought I could do better. This book opened up my eyes and helped me to release control and remember God is in control. I had to stop allowing the enemy to use my hurts as a tool. . . So much healing from this book!
This Book. If you are single and want to be Married or your Dating. . . This book is full of great information on How to Date in a Godly way. Great honest information!!
If you are looking to develop a prayer life, THIS IS A GREAT DEVO book. It has pages that you can respond to the devotional with prompted questions. Like I said, a great way to develop a Prayer Life. <-- This was the first book I ever did with Push women.
This book is such a good read. Kept me laughing, all while teaching me why I need to get my Tounge under control. If you have an issue with an open mouth, this is for you!
This list of books is not a completed list, as I am always trying to read something, and I find a book I have read that needs to be added to the list.